C6H5CH:CH2 F.W. 104.14 CAS #100-42-5
Specific Gravity (H2O=1): 0.909
Assay >99.0%
Stabilizer (p-tert-Butylcatechol)-10-15ppm
A monomeric styrene used as an embedding media for ultramicrotomy.
– DeLamater, E.D., et al (1971). The use of styrenes as embedding media for electron microscopy. Pro. 29th Ann. Meet. EMSA, p. 488. Claitor’s Pub. Divsion, Baton Rouge, LA
– Kushida, H. (1962b). On ultraviolet polymerization of styrene resins in embedding for electron microscopy. J. Electron Microsc., Vol. 2. p.10. Academic Press, New York.
– Kushida, H. (1961a). A styrene-methacrylate resin embedding method for ultrathin sectioning. J. Electron Micro., 10:16
Storage : RT
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