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The Embedding Capsule Substitute
 The Embedding Capsule SubstituteIt is easier to see inside the well when centering the…
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 The Embedding Capsule SubstituteIt is easier to see inside the well when centering the specimen in the tipIt is easier to remove the block from the well. There is no need for razor blades or press devicesThe finished blocks have finer tips so when you trim deeper into the block the face doesn't increase in size rapidly; therefore, constant retrimming is not necessary
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The Mold for Long Tissues
The Mold for Long TissuesThis mold accommodates longer pieces of tissues (muscle, skin biopsies, and…
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The Mold for Long TissuesThis mold accommodates longer pieces of tissues (muscle, skin biopsies, and many plant specimens)AdvantagesEasy to embed long specimens and orient them properly. The tissues lie flat in the well; therefore, no horizontal trimming is neededIt is ideal for any specimen that needs immediate sectioning (e.g. cell monolayer). 24 cavities
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Tissue Culture Monolayer Embedding Mold: Thompson Embedding Mold
The mold yields several individual blocks of resin from a single slip-coverThe resin blocks fit…
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The mold yields several individual blocks of resin from a single slip-coverThe resin blocks fit directly into a chuck for flat specimensThe embedded surfaces are free from blemishes caused by entrapped airThe mold uses a minimum amount of resin
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A new design with 10 triple numbered, tapered tip cavities to save you time and…
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A new design with 10 triple numbered, tapered tip cavities to save you time and handling. Holds firmly in a chuck during trimming or sectioning. Made from white silicone, each cavity measures 8mm from tip to center, 5mm Deep.
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